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Title: Advanced Research Skills : Conducting Literature and Systematic Reviews (2nd Edition)
Authors: Dermody, Kelly
Farnum, Cecile
Jakubek, Daniel
Petropoulos, Jo-Anne
Schmidt, Jane
Steinberg, Reece
Ihdego, Bethel
Ahmed, Mariam
Keywords: Research
Literature Reviews
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2023
Publisher: Library, Toronto Metropolitan University
Abstract: A short course for graduate students to increase their proficiency in conducting research for literature and systematic reviews. After taking the mini course graduate students will understand how to conduct their review, how to execute appropriate searches, manage their results and demonstrate strategic reading skills. Module 1 provides a quick overview of the different types of academic reviews and the steps involved in conducting them. Module 2 demonstrates how to formulate a research question and how to search for sources. Module 3 discusses how to select and organize sources. Finally, Module 4 outlines techniques for reading and assessing the quality of sources. The course contains interactive H5P activities for students to test their learning. Students have access to a workbook of reflective activities to document their research process. The intended outcome is to ensure graduate students understand how to conduct and manage their own research for their academic success and future careers.
Other Identifiers: abf3c6af-5669-404a-89a4-aa7541cd66e5
Appears in Collections:Ontario OER Collection

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